- All
- Level 1: Novice (0 899 Elo) (7)
- Level 2: Beginner (900 1199 Elo) (19)
- Level 3: Intermediate (1200 1499 Elo) (21)
- Level 4: Advanced (1500 1749 Elo) (17)
- Level 5: Very Advanced (1750 1999 Elo) (4)
- Topic: Openings (3)
- Topic: Endgames (2)
- Topic: Calculation and Visualization (13)
- Topic: Strategy and Positional Play (12)
- Type 3: Recorded Live Lessons and Seminars (9)
- Type 1: Upcoming Live Classes (3)
- Type 2: Video Courses (4)
- Type 5: Prodigy Program (6)
- Type 6: Free (8)
- Topic: Tactics and Pattern Recognition (11)
- Topic: Game Analysis (2)
- Topic: General Instruction (Thought Process, Decision Making, Logic, etc.) (26)
- Type 7: Subscription (2)
- camp (1)