Prodigy Program - Video Lesson 3 (PGN)
[Event "(works with b-g pawn)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Lucena Position"]
[Black "Standard Win"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1K1k4/1P6/8/8/8/8/7R/r7 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "14"]
1... Kd7 {Waiting.} (1... Rb1 {is met in the same way, or more simply with} 2.
Ra2 Kd7 3. Ka7 Kc7 4. b8=Q+ Rxb8 5. Rc2+ $18) (1... Rd1 {also allows} 2. Ra2
$18) 2. Rd2+ Ke6 (2... Kc6 3. Kc8 $18) (2... Ke7 3. Rd4 {is similar to the
main line.}) 3. Rd4 $1 (3. Kc7 $6 Rc1+ 4. Kb6 Rb1+ 5. Kc6 Rc1+ 6. Kb5 Rb1+ 7.
Ka6 Ra1+ 8. Kb6 Rb1+ 9. Ka7 Ra1+ 10. Kb8) 3... Ra2 (3... Ke5 4. Rb4 Kd5 (4...
Kd6 5. Kc8 Rc1+ 6. Kd8 Rh1 7. b8=Q+) 5. Kc7 Rc1+ 6. Kb6 $18) (3... Rc1 4. Ra4)
4. Kc7 Rc2+ 5. Kb6 Rb2+ 6. Kc6 Rc2+ (6... Rb1 7. Ra4 Rb2 8. Ra5) 7. Kb5 Rb2+ 8.
Rb4 {This winning method works with any pawn on the seventh rank, except a
rook's pawn.} *
[Event "(works with c-f pawn)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Lucena Position"]
[Black "Alternative Win"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Jochens,Arne"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2K5/2P1k3/8/8/8/8/7R/1r6 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "11"]
1. Ra2 (1. Re2+ Kf6 2. Re4 {also works here.}) 1... Rb3 2. Ra8 (2. Ra7 {
works as well, e.g.} Kd6 3. Rb7 Rh3 4. Kb8 $18) 2... Rb1 3. Rb8 Rc1 4. Rb7 $1 {
quickest.} (4. Kb7 Rb1+ 5. Ka6 Ra1+ 6. Kb5 Rb1+ 7. Ka4 Ra1+ 8. Kb3 Rb1+ 9. Ka2
$18) 4... Ke8 5. Kb8 $18 Kd7 6. c8=Q+ *
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Philidor Defense"]
[Black "Standard Draw"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "4k3/7R/8/3PK3/8/8/8/r7 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "13"]
1... Ra6 $1 (1... Rb1 $6 2. Ke6 Re1+ (2... Rb6+ $2 3. d6 $18) 3. Kd6 Rd1 $1 {
is a much more complicated draw (see positions 6-9).}) 2. Rc7 Kd8 3. Rh7 (3.
Rc6 Rxc6 4. dxc6 Kc7 5. Kd5 Kc8 $1 $11) (3. Rf7 Ke8 4. Rf6 Rxf6 5. Kxf6 Kd7 6.
Ke5 Ke7 7. d6+ Kd7 8. Kd5 Kd8 $1 $11) 3... Rb6 4. d6 (4. Rh8+ Kd7 $1 (4... Ke7
$2 5. d6+ $1 Kd7 6. Rh7+ Kd8 7. Ke6 $18)) 4... Rb1 $1 5. Ke6 Re1+ 6. Kd5 Rd1+
7. Kc6 Rc1+ $11 *
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Passive Defense Works"]
[Black "Versus a/b/g/h Pawn"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1k4r1/7R/KP6/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "7"]
1... Rf8 (1... Rg1 $4 2. Rh8+) 2. Rb7+ (2. Ra7 Rg8 3. b7 Rg6+) (2. b7 Rf6+ 3.
Kb5) 2... Ka8 3. Ra7+ Kb8 4. Kb5 (4. Rh7 Rg8) 4... Rh8 $11 (4... Rf1 $11) *
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Passive Defense Fails"]
[Black "Versus c-f Pawn"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2k3r1/7R/1KP5/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "8"]
1... Kb8 (1... Rg1 2. Rh8+) 2. Rb7+ $1 Kc8 3. Ra7 Kb8 4. c7+ $18 Kc8 5. Ra8+ *
[Event "No Progress for White"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Side Checks"]
[Black "Key Position"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r7/4K1k1/3RP3/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "8"]
1. Rd8 (1. Kd7 Kf6 2. e7+ Kf7 3. Ra6 Rb8 $1 $11) (1. Rd7 Kg6 (1... Rb8 $2 2.
Rd8 Rb7+ 3. Kd6 Rb6+ 4. Kd7 Rb7+ 5. Kc6 Ra7 6. Rd7+ $18) (1... Ra6 $2 2. Ke8+
Kf6 3. e7 $18) 2. Rc7 Kg7 3. Kd6+ Kf8 $11) 1... Ra7+ 2. Kd6 (2. Ke8 Kf6 $11)
2... Ra6+ 3. Kd7 Ra7+ 4. Kc6 Ra6+ $11 *
[Event "Defending Rook Must Stay Put"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Side Checks"]
[Black "Key Position"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r7/4K1k1/3RP3/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "1"]
{Black to move must be careful.} 1... Kg6 $8 {and Black draws as seen
previously.} (1... Rb8 $2 2. Rd8 Rb7+ 3. Kd6 Rb6+ 4. Kd7 Kf6 (4... Rb7+ 5. Kc6
Re7 6. Kd6 $18) 5. Rf8+ Ke5 6. e7 Rb7+ 7. Kd8 Kd6 8. Rf6+ $1 $18) (1... Ra7+ $2
{once even played by Carlsen.} 2. Ke8 Ra8+ 3. Rd8 Ra1 (3... Ra7 4. Rd7+) 4. e7
Ra7 5. Rc8 Ra1 6. Rc2 Rd1 7. Rg2+ Kh6 8. Rg4 $18) (1... Ra1 $2 2. Ke8 $18) (
1... Rh8 $2 2. Rd8 $18) *
[Event "(king on long side loses)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "King to Short Side!"]
[Black "c-Pawn"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2k5/7R/2K5/2P5/8/8/8/2r5 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]
1... Kb8 $1 (1... Ra1 2. Rh8#) (1... Rd1 2. Rh8+ Rd8 3. Rxd8+ Kxd8 4. Kb7) (
1... Kd8 $2 2. Rh8+ Ke7 3. Rc8 $1 Rc2 {Black could not give side checks from
the h-file here, as his own king would be in the way.} (3... Rh1 4. Kb7) 4. Kb7
Rb2+ 5. Kc7 Ra2 6. c6 Ra7+ 7. Kb6 Ra1 8. Rb8 Rb1+ 9. Kc7 Ra1 10. Rb2 Rc1 11.
Re2+ Kf6 12. Kb7 Rb1+ 13. Kc8 $18) 2. Rh8+ Ka7 3. Rc8 (3. Kd6 Kb7) 3... Rh1 $1
(3... Rd1 4. Kc7) (3... Rc2 4. Kd7) 4. Rd8 (4. Kd7 Rh7+) 4... Rh6+ 5. Kc7 Rh7+
6. Rd7 Rh8 7. c6 $11 {reaching the key position for the side-check defense.}
Ka6 8. Rd6 Ka7 9. Rd8 Rh7+ $11 10. Kc8 Kb6 *
[Event "(rook behind pawn)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "King to Short Side!"]
[Black "d-Pawn"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3k4/7R/3K4/3P4/8/8/8/3r4 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "5"]
1... Kc8 $1 {With a central pawns it's more complicated, and the result
depends on the position of the rooks.} (1... Ke8 $6 2. Rh8+ Kf7 3. Rd8 (3. Kc6
Ke7) 3... Ra1 $1 {An exceptional case where two files of checking distance is
enough as White's rook is now badly placed.} 4. Rb8 (4. Kc6 Ra6+ 5. Kb7 Ke7 $1
{is a key point.}) (4. Rc8 Rd1 $1) 4... Rd1 $1 {This is sometimes referred to
as the Kling & Horwitz defensive technique.} (4... Ra6+ $2 5. Kd7 Ra7+ 6. Kc6
Ra6+ 7. Rb6 Ra8 8. Kc7 Ke8 9. Re6+ Kf7 10. Re1 Ra7+ 11. Kc6 Ra6+ 12. Kb5 Rd6
13. Kc5 Rd8 14. d6 $18) 5. Rb2 Ke8 6. Re2+ Kd8 $11) 2. Rh8+ Kb7 3. Rd8 (3. Ke6
Kc7 4. Rh7+ Kd8 $11) (3. Rh2 Kc8 $11) (3. Rh5 Kc8 4. Ke6 Re1+ 5. Kd6 Rd1 $11)
3... Rh1 $1 $11 *
[Event "Rook's Pawn"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "No Lucena!"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Jochens,Arne"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "K1k5/P7/8/8/8/8/7R/r7 b - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "7"]
{This and the following position show why it's harder to win with a rook's
pawn and when it's nevertheless possible.} 1... Rc1 $11 (1... Ra3 $6 2. Rc2+
Kd7 3. Kb7 (3. Rc4 Rb3 $11) 3... Rb3+ 4. Ka6 Ra3+ 5. Kb6 Rb3+ 6. Kc5 Ra3 7. Rh2
$5 Kc7 8. Rh7+ Kc8 $11) 2. Rh8+ Kc7 3. Rh7+ Kc8 4. Rg7 Rc2 $11 *
[Event "Rook's Pawn"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Basic Win"]
[Black "(WK stuck but 4-file cut-off)"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "Nunn; AJ"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "K7/P4k2/8/8/8/8/4R3/1r6 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "39"]
1. Rc2 Ke7 2. Rc8 $1 (2. Rc7+ $2 Kd6 3. Rb7 Rh1 4. Kb8 $4 Rh8#) 2... Kd6 $5 (
2... Kd7 3. Rb8 Rh1 4. Kb7 Rb1+ 5. Ka6 Ra1+ 6. Kb6 Rb1+ 7. Kc5 $18) 3. Rb8 Rh1
4. Kb7 Rb1+ 5. Kc8 (5. Ka6 Ra1+ 6. Kb6 Rb1+ 7. Ka5 Ra1+ 8. Kb6) 5... Rc1+ 6.
Kd8 Rg1 $5 7. Rb6+ Kc5 8. Rc6+ $1 Kxc6 (8... Kd5 9. Ra6 (9. Kc7 Ra1 10. Kb7
Rxa7+ 11. Kxa7 Kxc6) 9... Rg8+ 10. Kc7 Rg7+ 11. Kb6 Rg6+ 12. Kb5 $18) 9. a8=Q+
Kb6 10. Qb8+ Kc6 (10... Ka6 11. Qd6+ Kb7 (11... Kb5 12. Qd5+ Ka6 13. Qc6+ $18)
12. Qc7+ Ka6 (12... Ka8 13. Qc6+ $18) 13. Qc6+ $18) 11. Qc7+ Kd5 (11... Kb5 12.
Qb7+ Kc4 13. Qe4+ Kb5 14. Qd5+ Ka6 15. Qc6+ $18) 12. Qb7+ Ke5 (12... Kc4 13.
Qe4+ Kb5 14. Qd5+ Ka6 15. Qc6+ $18) 13. Qb2+ Kd5 (13... Ke4 14. Qe2+ Kd5 15.
Qd3+ Kc6 16. Qc4+ Kb7 17. Qb5+ Ka8 18. Qa6+ $18) 14. Qb5+ Ke4 15. Qe2+ Kd5 16.
Qd3+ Kc6 17. Qc4+ Kb7 18. Qb5+ Ka8 19. Qa6+ $18 Kb8 20. Qb6+ *
Complete and Continue